Parent Agreement Form

For member reference, the following is content of an agreement form signed by all direct members at the time of enrollment.

I accept and understand the following conditions of enrollment:

A. Financial

  1. All fees and deposits are to be payable to SPG.
  2. Prior to acceptance into the childcare centre, a deposit of $125 will be paid. The paid deposit will confirm my child’s space in the program. The deposit is a separate fee and will be refunded within 60 days of my child leaving the centre, only if proper notice is given. The deposit is forfeited if a child does not actually occupy the space accepted. The deposit is also forfeited if all financial and parental obligations are not fulfilled prior to leaving the centre. I will give one calendar month notice in writing to the Executive Director by the last day of the month, one month prior to leaving. Should I wish to make changes to the care arrangement, my request will be made in writing one month prior to the effective date of change.
  3. My children’s childcare fee shall be paid by the 1st day of each month by pre-arranged Auto-Debit. If this is not possible, a written note of explanation will be submitted to the Executive Director for the Board of Directors. Late payment of fees is subject to a $10.00 per month penalty. In the case of a returned transaction, I agree to pay whatever bank charges the centre incurs. I understand that two or more returned transactions in a one-year period is cause for termination of care.
  4. In order to reserve my child’s childcare space, the full fees must be paid for any period of time in which my child is away from the centre including vacation, sickness, or other absence. See Summer Fee Policies in Family Handbook for minimum registration to hold space for fall.

B. Children’s Records

  1. I will ensure that all forms and records provided to SPG are current and updated in the event of any move or employment change and will advise staff of changes to phone numbers and emergency contact information. All records are confidential.

C. Health and Safety Policies

  1. I will advise the centre staff of any changes in my child’s health and update any records immediately upon any changes occurring.
  2. I understand that the staff has a right to request I promptly pick up my child from the centre if my child is ill and agree to inform staff of any communicable diseases my child may have contacted.
  3. I understand that only medication prescribed or recommended for my child in writing by a physician and provided in its original packaging with full instructions will be administered to my child by SPG staff. Medication will only be administered if I have completed a “Permission to Administer Medication” form and have provided this form to SPG staff.
  4. I understand that I am required to sign my child out each day on the “Sign-Out” sheet posted by the door, and make personal contact with staff at drop off (am) and pick-up time.
  5. In the event that my child will not be attending SPG on a regularly scheduled day for any reason, I will notify centre staff in writing or by telephone. A missing child protocol will be enacted if a child is not accounted for after school by 3:30 pm.
  6. I understand that if my child attends any other community program or goes to a friend’s house following school, SPG is not responsible for getting my child to or from these activities.
  7. I will notify SPG staff if someone other than those persons authorized by me on the “Pick-Up Policy” form will be picking up my child. Parents are encouraged to notify staff in writing or in person if possible. Picture identification will be requested and a signature on the “Sign-Out Sheet” will be required.
  8. If after 30 minutes from the centre closing time, the staff has been unable to make contact with me or the designated emergency contacts, my child will be turned over to the Ministry of Children and Family Emergency Services.

D. Scheduling

  1. I will abide by the centre’s hours of operation. I will not drop my child off before the centre opens and will pay an overtime fee of $1.00 per minute for late pick-up. Continued inability to abide by the centre’s operating hours will be brought to the Board of SPG for discussion of penalties, potentially a request for termination of care.
  2. SPG will be closed on all Statutory Holidays, any day school is closed due to adverse weather conditions, and in the event a labour dispute has pickets on the school grounds. Local media and the SPG website will advise of these closures. All other closures will be posted in advance.

E. Liability

  1. In the case of injury to my child while in the care, custody or control of the centre, I hereby waive all claims against the centre in excess of the public liability insurance carried by the centre.
  2. If any questions arise regarding the supervision and/or care of my child, I will request clarification or action from the Executive Director at the appropriate time. If I am not satisfied, I will seek the guidance of the Parent Liaison Officer. If I am still not satisfied, I will be granted a hearing before the Board of Directors.
  3. I have completed the SPG permission forms including pick-up policy, self-sign-out (Grade 4 and older), activities and excursion waiver and photo release.

F. Parent Involvement

  1. I agree to meet with the Executive Director should there be any problems concerning my child at the centre that the Executive Director feels warrant discussion.
  2. I will take an active interest in my child’s centre by participating in parent meetings such as the Annual General Meeting and fundraising events and functions organized by the Board.