Mission and History


Shaughnessy Point Grey Out of School Society …

… was incorporated way back in 1977.

Under the leadership of a few active parents in need of care, the society was formed in advance of the September 1977 school year, serving just a small number of children at the outset.

More than forty years later, SPG has expanded to serve up to 70 children every school day and operates year round with full-day care offered on every professional and district closure day and through winter, spring and summer breaks. At any time, registered members at SPG comprise close to 30% of the school population. And, when you do the math for the year, full-time SPG kids spend more time with SPG staff than they do in class.

Today, SPG occupies the Activity Room, the whole lower hall area, plus a revitalized space that used to be the boys’ change room but was transformed by SPG staff into the Art Room. We are super appreciative of the support of the Vancouver School Board and the Quilchena teachers and administration for the additional use of the gym and stage, when available, and also the library when weather or other circumstances limit our access to our usual space.

Other additions to the SPG program over the years include the SPG Garden, built by SPG parents, members and staff with support from Evergreen, and a renovated Kitchen Space which we use for all our amazing cooking activities with the kids.

Our Mission

Our goal is to provide professional care, tending to the needs of each child for nurturance and guidance.  We aim to make it possible, through the environment we create and the program we implement, for children to become more aware of their own self-worth and more responsible for their actions. SPG serves more than 70 families from all parts of the community and promotes the social, physical, cultural and artistic development of youth. Through our recreational program, we attempt to build skills and confidence within all individuals and offer new experiential opportunities.

Constitution and ByLaws