Our Amazing Board for 2024-2025

Time well spent!

Our wonderful and supportive volunteer board of directors, elected each year at our AGM, meets once monthly to ensure our goals are being met. Even better – they work as a solid team to set those goals and share their expertise in a variety of fields.

Our Parent Board

As a parent of an SPG child, you have an opportunity to play a direct role in determining our policies and programs. Each registering parent becomes a Direct member of our society and has a vote at our Annual General Meeting (non-registering parents are Associate members). SPG is governed by a volunteer Parent Board, comprising Direct and Associate members, which meets up to eight times each year. We encourage you to become involved whether as a Board member or by sharing your skills with the society. We need your expertise, time and talents to make SPG flourish.



Time well spent!

Our wonderful and supportive volunteer board of directors, elected each year at our AGM, meets once monthly to ensure our goals are being met. Even better – they work as a solid team to set those goals and share their expertise in a variety of fields.

Our Parent Board

As a parent of an SPG child, you have an opportunity to play a direct role in determining our policies and programs. Each registering parent becomes a Direct member of our society and has a vote at our Annual General Meeting (non-registering parents are Associate members). SPG is governed by a volunteer Parent Board, comprising Direct and Associate members, which meets up to eight times each year. We encourage you to become involved whether as a Board member or by sharing your skills with the society. We need your expertise, time and talents to make SPG flourish.

Kasey Chittenden - Secretary
Ali Hurst - Chair
Emily Alderman - Member at Large
Patrick Wong - Staff Liaison
Jennifer Stamp - Vice Chair
Nancy Gates - Parent Liaison
Louis Leung - Treasurer

Thanks to all of our 2024 -2025 Board of Directors

  • Chair Ali Hurst
  • Vice Chair Jennifer Stamp
  • Secretary Kasey Chittenden
  • Treasurer Louis Leung
  • Staff Liaison Patrick Wong
  • Parent Liaison Nancy Gates
  • Member at Large Emily Alderman
  • Member at Large David Price

Board Nomination Process

  • In nominating parents to our board of directors, SPG employs a transparent process.
  • Towards the close of the school year (usually by May 31st), a general invitation is sent to all members via email inviting expressions of interest.
  • By mid-September of the new school year, a second invitation is sent to respondents (or all members) indicating which positions are open. This invitation includes encouragement to contact parent-liaison or vice-chair with any questions. 
  • If volunteers are not forthcoming, SPG will hand-deliver to each family a request for statements of interest.
  • Executive Director, Parent Liaison and Vice-Chair to finalize slate by week prior to AGM. Biographies of proposed slate will be posted.
  • New and continuing board members will be elected by a vote at the AGM, held in October.

Thanks to all of our 2024 -2025 Board of Directors

  • Chair Ali Hurst
  • Vice Chair Jennifer Stamp
  • Secretary Kasey Chittenden
  • Treasurer Louis Leung
  • Staff Liaison Patrick Wong
  • Parent Liaison Nancy Gates
  • Member at Large Emily Alderman
  • Member at Large David Price

Board Nomination Process

  • In nominating parents to our board of directors, SPG employs a transparent process.
  • Towards the close of the school year (usually by May 31st), a general invitation is sent to all members via email inviting expressions of interest.
  • By mid-September of the new school year, a second invitation is sent to respondents (or all members) indicating which positions are open. This invitation includes encouragement to contact parent-liaison or vice-chair with any questions.
  • If volunteers are not forthcoming, SPG will hand-deliver to each family a request for statements of interest.
  • Executive Director, Parent Liaison and Vice-Chair to finalize slate by week prior to AGM. Biographies of proposed slate will be posted.
  • New and continuing board members will be elected by a vote at the AGM, held in October.